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Health Freedom with Dr. Nick Wilson

Jan 27, 2019

In this interview with Dr. Libby Darnell, we talk about the dangers of EMFs, what they are are, what they do to your health, your energy, and your fertility. We discuss the repercussions of your exposure to EMF's, and simple changes you can make to protect your family. Dr. Libby Darnell is a Functional Medicine...

Jan 26, 2019

Who told you that you can't heal? How do they know your potential? There is a risk of giving people false hope but is the bigger risk what happens in the mind when people are given no hope? Is there really such thing as a nocebo effect?

Jan 16, 2019

Leah Segedie is the author of Green Enough: Eat Better, Live Cleaner, Be Happier (All Without Driving Your Family Crazy!), founder of the Mamavation® community, founder of ShiftCon Social Media Conference, food activist and social media consultant. With a Masters in Communication Management, she works closely with some...